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What is CLAMS?

Homeopathy is individualized to the particular details of a person’s dis-ease. Unlike conventional medicine, a homeopathic remedy is not chosen based on a single symptom or a medical diagnosis. According to the National Cancer Institute, a medical diagnosis is “the process of identifying a disease, condition, or injury from its signs and symptoms.” A medical diagnosis classifies a patient’s problem according to preexisting labels, and it forms the basis for patient care. A medical diagnosis theorizes a chemical or mechanical reason for a person’s signs and symptoms and calls this the disease. The disease is managed by pharmaceutical drugs and/or other medical treatments. So, if a person is diagnosed with diabetes, there is a standardized protocol for disease treatment to suppress or manage the symptoms.

In contrast, the focus of homeopathy is on the dis-ease of the individual. Homeopathy views dis-ease as an inner imbalance that creates signs and symptoms. Instead of suppressing the symptoms, homeopathy works to remove the inner disturbance. While a medical diagnosis can be helpful, a homeopath does not need a diagnosis. Instead, a full description of the individual’s signs and symptoms is necessary. It’s all in the details – when did the problem begin, where is it located in the body, what makes the person feel better or worse, what sensations are present, what else is going on, etc.

When working with a homeopath, it is important to give a complete description of symptoms. A helpful aid is to use the acronym CLAMS. Each letter refers to specific aspects which fully describe a symptom. With this information, a homeopath can more accurately match a homeopathic remedy to the overall state of the person.

C stands for the main complaint and its concomitants or accompanying symptoms. For example, a headache that occurs along with a nosebleed.

L stands for the location of the symptom. For example, what part of the head aches? The back of the head or the forehead above the nose?

A stands for aetiology, which is a fancy word that means the cause or the instigation of the symptom. For example, a headache that started after being outside in a cold wind.

M stands for modalities, or what makes the symptoms better or worse. For example, a headache that is worse after a nap. Modalities are often the key that points to a particular homeopathic remedy because they are peculiar to the individual.

S stands for the sensation and the presentation of the symptom. For example, a throbbing headache, or dark red blood. There are many descriptions of pain and this detail helps distinguish one type of headache from another. The color and texture of blood, mucus, stool, or nasal discharge is important.

With the help of CLAMS, a suitable homeopathic remedy can be found that will get to the root of the problem because the individual is treated, not the disease.

In case you are wondering, the homeopathic remedy Rhus tox could be the remedy needed for an individual with the particular symptoms described in the CLAMS above.

Information contained on this site is for educational purposes only and should not be used to prescribe, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. Any information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician.  If you desire or need such advice, you should consult a professional healthcare provider.

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