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A Homeopathic Resolution

The beginning of a new year is often the time when people make plans to start something new and beneficial. Goals are made in hope for a better future. For example, in January there is often an increase in membership at the local gym, because some have resolved to start working out and exercising regularly. Sadly the “Fall off the Wagon” day is in early February. So much for that New Year’s Resolution!

What is a resolution and how does this apply to homeopathy? According to Webster’s 1828 dictionary, one definition of resolution is: “Fixed purpose or determination of mind.” See the above paragraph for a common example. (Since that determination didn’t last very long, one wonders if it was actually a resolution or simply wishful thinking.)

There is another definition that can apply to homeopathy: “The act or process of unraveling or disentangling perplexities.” When someone with health issues resolves to work with a homeopath, the homeopath has the fixed purpose and the determination to untangle the suffering person’s symptoms and select an appropriate homeopathic remedy. As a natural health modality, homeopathy has the unique ability to support the body’s complex inner working as it sorts through the perplexing causes that knocked the body out of balance. The goal of homeopathic treatment is the gentle restoration of health and increased vitality, which is the result of an internal balance on the mental, emotional, and physical levels.

In music, the definition of resolution is: “The carrying of dissonance into the consonance in the subsequent chord.” Dissonance means “discord; a mixture or union of harsh, unharmonious sounds, which are grating or unpleasing to the ear.” Symptoms are a sign of inner discord. Homeopathic resolution is accomplished when internal dissonance is transformed into a pleasing harmony. Sickness becomes a means of positive personal growth and change when it is resolved with homeopathy.

This leads to another definition of resolution: “The effect of fixed purpose; firmness, steadiness or constancy in execution, implying courage.” Those who have the courage to seek homeopathic treatment and to wait patiently while their body transforms discord into a pleasing harmony will experience a true resolution of health. This is a worthy homeopathic resolution.

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