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Remedies – Argentum Nitricum

Common name: Silver nitrate

Chemical formula: AgNO3

Silver nitrate is a mineral salt that is categorized as an orthorhombic crystal, because the shape of the crystal has three mutually perpendicular axes, which are different lengths than the others. In chemistry, a salt is either a naturally occurring mineral, or it is produced by reacting an acid with a base, which makes an electrically neutral ionic compound. Silver nitrate is corrosive, antiseptic, and astringent. It is used topically in medical treatment as a cauterizing agent in wound care.

For many years, silver nitrate ointment was routinely applied to the eyes of newborns to prevent gonorrheal ophthalmia, even if the mother did not have gonorrhea. Silver nitrate was an important chemical used in the early development of photography due to its ability to react when exposed to light. In fact, film speed numbers (ISO 100, 200, 400, etc.) correspond to the number of silver nitrate particles on the film. Silver nitrate is also used in the production of mirrors, plastics, and printing inks.

The homeopathic remedy Argentum nitricum is made from silver nitrate crystals dissolved in purified water and potentized through the process of dilution and succussion described in Hahnemann’s Organon. It is useful for those who become worn out mentally or who experience anticipation anxiety with fear or trembling. They become restless and hurried, impulsive and fidgety. A person needing Argentum nitricum is warm-blooded, open, extroverted, and emotional.


  • Impulsive, silly, foolish, or childish impulses
  • Compulsive thoughts or behavior, fixed ideas
  • Anxiety about health, an engagement, ordeals, or an exam, when alone
  • Hurried, walks faster and faster, hates to be kept waiting, talkative
  • Violent palpitations
  • Loud, frequent eructations and flatulence
  • Diarrhea, green smelly stool, from anticipation, from sugar
  • Desires salt and sweets, but feels worse for eating sweets
  • Splinter like pain in the throat, hoarseness of singers and speakers
  • Warm-blooded, one of the hottest remedies
Silver Nitrate Chemical Symbol

Information contained on this site is for educational purposes only and should not be used to prescribe, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. Any information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician. If you desire or need such advice, you should consult a professional healthcare provider.

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