A-choo!! (God bless you!) Whether from a cold or allergies, or from accidentally inhaling an irritating substance, sternutation can occur. Sternutation is the medical term for sneezing – the sudden, forceful, involuntary expulsion of air from the nose caused by irritation to the mucus membranes of the upper respiratory tract. Sneezing is an automatic reflex, one of the body’s defenses to protect the body from harm by expelling irritants and pathogens from airway passages. A sneeze is a sign that the body is doing what it is designed to do. But prolonged sneezing becomes an uncomfortable symptom and often indicates that the body needs some help in its attempt to maintain homeostasis.
Although the physical act of sneezing is similar to all people, it is important to look at what makes the sneezes of one individual different from another person. For example, is the sneezing an allergic reaction to pollen, dust, cats, or something else? Is there a particular time of day or night when sneezing tends to be worse? Is sneezing worse during a particular season? What else is happening during the sneeze? How are the eyes, nose, mouth, and throat affected? The answers to these questions are important distinctions that characterize the sneezes of a particular individual. In homeopathy, it is important to match the distinctive symptoms as closely as possible, in order to choose a homeopathic remedy that is most similar to the person’s sneezing.
To strengthen vitality and improve body function when sneezing becomes a dominant symptom, consider the following homeopathic remedies:
- Allium cepa – Made from red onion, this remedy is for acute attacks of violent sneezing with profuse watery discharge from the nose that may sting the nose and upper lip. The eyes run, burn, and may be sensitive to light. A dull headache may accompany the sneezing, and there may also be a tickling cough that hurts the larynx. Symptoms are better in open air. If the sneezing is due to a chronic allergy, another remedy will eventually be needed to uproot that tendency. You can read more about Allium cepa here.
- Arsenicum album – The use of this remedy is indicated when the sneezing is worse in the morning upon waking and when there is a sensation of a feather tickling inside the nose in one spot. Often the right side of the nose will be stopped up, yet burning watery discharge will drip down and irritate the upper lip. Sores may develop inside the nostrils, which feel dry. Sneezing will not relieve the stuffy nose. The person needing this remedy tends to be restless, chilly, anxious, irritable, and thirsty for small sips. Arsenicum is helpful for those who are allergic to cats, if the symptoms fit. You can read more about this remedy here.
- Dulcamara – This remedy is another one to consider for cat allergies and is specific to hay fever in the spring, late summer or autumn when warm days are followed by cold nights. It is characterized by constant, violent sneezing. The nose will alternate between being stuffy and runny. The eyes may be swollen and watery. The smell of freshly cut grass can aggravate symptoms, as will dampness and a cold draft. You can read more about this remedy here.
- Euphrasia – This remedy, commonly known as Eyebright, is characterized by intense sneezing, but eye symptoms predominate. The eyes are irritated, inflamed, and itchy. Hot, burning tears cause constant blinking and the eyes are sensitive to light. Upon waking in the morning, the eyes may be stuck together by the discharge which has dried into a crust. The nose is profusely runny with bland discharge and there can be a constant, tickling cough that is better when lying down. Post nasal drip during the night causes retching and coughing in the morning upon waking.
- Gelsemium – Another acute remedy for constant sneezing, the person who would benefit from Gelsemium experiences violent, exhausting sneezing that is worse in the morning. The person is totally worn out, listless, drowsy, and dizzy. Symptoms are worse during warm, humid weather. The eyes are sensitive to light and watery. There may be a yellow coating on the tongue and the lips will be dry. When sneezing is a chronic problem, other remedies should be considered once the acute episode is over.
- Natrum muriaticum – Made from table salt, this homeopathic remedy has a wide range of uses, including symptoms of chronic allergies. Allergy symptoms often start with fits of sneezing in the morning and symptoms are often worse in the spring. Nasal discharge is thick and clear like an egg white, although the nose is stopped up. There can be a loss of taste and smell. The lips are cracked and dry. Generally, a person needing this remedy will be sad and sensitive, yet will avoid sympathy. Symptoms will be worse when outside, especially in the sun. You can read more about this remedy here.
- Nux vomica – When there is sneezing and a runny nose after getting out of bed in the morning, this remedy might be indicated. The nose is stopped up and dry during the night and is runny during the day. A person needing Nux vomica can be irritable, impatient, and may have an itchy nose. Symptoms are worse from overindulgence, loss of sleep, overwork, cold drafts, noise, and light.
- Sabadilla – When a person has paroxysms of violent sneezing, one sneeze following the other up to 12 sneezes in a row, then consider this homeopathic remedy. There can be itching and tingling inside the nose and the clear watery discharge flows freely, or there may be nasal obstruction. The eyes are red, burning, and watery from sneezing. This remedy is specific for hay asthma and seasonal allergies from pollen. There is a great thirst for large amounts of cold water, and there can be copious sweat. You can read more about this remedy here.
Sneezing due to chronic allergies is a persistent condition that can take time to uproot. A well matched homeopathic remedy will strengthen the body’s efforts and stimulate its self-healing mechanisms, with amazing results as sneezing and other allergy symptoms dissipate. For acute allergy attacks with sneezing, choose one of the homeopathic remedies listed above that has symptoms similar to the individual. Take a dose of the remedy in a 30C potency once or twice a day. If there is some relief, continue taking the remedy until symptoms are very much better. If after six doses there is no relief, or if symptoms change, find another remedy that matches more closely.
Although it’s always best to work with a homeopath for chronic conditions, by following the basic principles of homeopathy when choosing a remedy, common symptoms of acute colds and allergies, including sneezing, can be relieved. May God bless you, even without an A-choo!
Information contained on this site is for educational purposes only and should not be used to prescribe, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. Any information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician. If you desire or need such advice, you should consult a professional healthcare provider.