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Remedies – Tuberculinum

Homeopathic remedies are prepared from many sources. The majority of homeopathic remedies are made from minerals, plants, or animals. Some remedies are made from discharges or diseased products from plants, animals, or humans. The toxins contained within these materials have a powerful potential for healing when prepared homeopathically. These types of homeopathic remedies are called Nosodes. Like all homeopathic remedies, their actions have been tested by healthy humans to discover their effects and have been confirmed through clinical experience. Tuberculinum is a homeopathic nosode.

Source of nosode: tuberculous tissue

From the mid-1800s to the early 1900s, nearly 80% of young people in the United States had been infected with tuberculosis before age 20. At that time, Tuberculosis was the leading cause of death. This bacterial infection spreads by airborne droplets from sneezing or coughing and primarily affects the lungs, although other organs of the body can be affected. After a period of decline, the prevalence of tuberculosis, formerly known as consumption or phthisis, has increased, as certain strains have become resistant to antibiotic treatment. When a person’s immune system becomes pathologically weakened due to HIV/AIDS, cancer, or other immunosuppressant conditions, the risk of tuberculosis is higher. But not everyone infected with tuberculosis becomes sick. A strong immune system is key. Tuberculinum is an important homeopathic remedy that is particularly useful for children who experience recurring ear infections, coughs, and respiratory ailments on the physical plane or who have behavioral disorders on the emotional and mental planes. A person needing Tuberculinum has an inner discontent or sense of being unfulfilled. They long for excitement, change, travel, and other stimulating experiences.


  • Romantic, independent, and longing nature, sense of being unfulfilled, dissatisfied
  • Boredom, whining, complaining, capricious
  • Desire for travel and change, wandering
  • Need for stimulating experiences and excitement, reckless
  • Hyperactive, obstinate, disobedient children, behavior disorders, temper tantrums
  • Malicious, destructive, indifferent to reprimand or punishment
  • Frustration, irritation, violence, anger, striking
  • Compulsive, superstitious, ritualistic behavior, head banging
  • Recurrent cold, flus, respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, hay fever, allergies, enlarged tonsils, recurring tonsillitis
  • Allergic to cats, love or aversion for cats
  • Family history of tuberculosis
  • Long fine eyelashes, dark fine hair on back of children along the spine, thin narrow weak chest
  • Fear of dogs
  • Night sweats
  • Craves milk, milk allergy
  • Desires bacon, smoked meats
  • Better dry mountain air, pine forests
  • Chilly yet wants fresh air

Information contained on this site is for educational purposes only and should not be used to prescribe, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. Any information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician. If you desire or need such advice, you should consult a professional healthcare provider.

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