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Remedies – Sepia

Genus: Sepia

Common name: Cuttlefish

Family: Sepiidae

This unusual sea creature known as a cuttlefish, is a type of soft bodied mollusk that makes its home primarily in the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea. Cuttlefish are masters of disguise, having the ability to camouflage themselves by changing colors and by changing the texture of their skin. This is a necessary survival skill, for in their dangerous underwater habitat, a cuttlefish is food for seals, dolphins, sharks, large fish, and even other cuttlefish. In turn, a cuttlefish preys on clams, snails, crabs, shrimp, and small fish. When danger is near, a cuttlefish will propel itself away by shooting water out of its siphon, as well as releasing a brown ink that confuses and distracts a predator so that the cuttlefish can escape. This brown sepia ink was used in the past for writing, drawing, and painting. Cuttlefish ink has been found to have medicinal use as an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-hypertensive, and anti-retroviral agent.

Homeopathic animal remedies have common themes of survival, competition, and comparison. Often there is some struggle in the life of a person needing an animal remedy. The struggle may be within themselves or with others. The specific theme of homeopathic Sepia is stasis or inactivity, sluggishness, indifference, and dullness on the mental, emotional, and/or physical levels. Sepia primarily affects the female pelvic organs and is commonly used by women when there is hormonal imbalance, weakened pelvic muscles, and physical and mental dullness. There may be irritability and angry outbursts towards family members or tearfulness and a desire to be alone. Often this imbalance is the result of becoming worn out and overwhelmed by the responsibilities of caring for children. As the saying goes, “If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!” Homeopathic Sepia can slowly and gently restore balance to those who need this remedy.


  • Mental, physical, and/or emotional sluggishness
  • Mental dullness, brain fog, confusion, forgetful
  • Weeping, tearful, careworn, depressed, indifferent
  • Irritable, angry outbursts, sarcastic, disconnected, nagging, complaining
  • Sensitive to music, to noise, to pain
  • Overwhelmed housewives who become irritated with their children and husband
  • PMS, emotional before menses, ailments from hormonal changes
  • Aversion to company, wants to be alone
  • Generally left sided symptoms
  • Generally feels better from vigorous exercise or dancing, unless physically exhausted
  • Chilly, worse from being cold, cold hands and feet, Raynaud’s Syndrome
  • Smelly perspiration, sweats easily
  • Morning sickness during pregnancy, not ameliorated by eating, motion sickness
  • Craves sweets, vinegar, pickles, sour things, very hungry
  • Cracked lips, cold sores
  • Dry, rattling, irritating cough better when sitting up
  • Sinusitis, post nasal discharge, loss of smell
  • Chloasma, brownish “saddle” across the bridge of the nose, brown patches on face
  • Low back pain better for pressure
  • Uterine prolapse with a bearing down sensation as if the uterus would fall out
  • Sensation of a lump in the rectum, constipation without urging worse pregnancy
  • Vaginitis with white, itching discharge
  • Stress incontinence from coughing, laughing, or sneezing, frequent urination, cystitis
  • Loss of sexual desire, aversion to being touched
  • Menopausal hot flashes, hair loss during menopause
  • Psoriasis, thick dry skin, cracked hands

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