Genus: Naja
Common name: Indian Cobra. Naja naja. Cobra de Capello. Spectacled Cobra.
Family: Elapidae (Cobras)
Native to India and South Asia, the venomous Indian cobra cloaks itself with an impressive hood when it is charmed or alarmed. The snake’s ribs have the ability to be extended behind its head to form a flared hood with a distinctive black and white spectacle pattern. Its fangs inject poison that acts as a neurotoxin and can cause paralysis, cardiac arrest, and respiratory failure. Its length can reach 5 feet. In Ancient Egypt, pharaohs wore crowns depicting a cobra, which was a symbol of royalty and divinity. Naja naja was the snake favored by traditional snake charmers of the past. Snakes have been worshiped since ancient times. Even today, in Hinduism, cobras are worshipped as powerful deities. Since the 1970s, the Indian Cobra is a protected snake species in India and the practice of snake charming is no longer legal.
When prepared as a homeopathic remedy through dilution and succussions, the venom of Naja naja is no longer poisonous because there are no material molecules left. Instead, the energetic imprint of the remedy acts as a subtle stimulus to the body, prompting the Vital force to increase its efforts to restore balance. Because homeopathy is based on the principle of like cures like, when the symptoms fit, homeopathic Naja can act as a charm that invites a person back to the path of improved health.
- A strong sense of responsibility or duty along with a sense of failure or self-depreciation
- A sense of having been neglected, wronged, or mistreated by others who have a duty towards them
- Mild-tempered, timid, nervous, anxiety from heart pain
- Ailments from grief, sorrow felt in the heart, suicidal thoughts
- Fear of rain, fear of death
- Left-sided complaints
- Constriction of the throat, dislikes collars or scarves around the neck
- Angina, arrhythmia, violent heart palpitations, rapid or slow pulse, cardiac murmurs, cardiac valvular disorders
- Wakes at night with a suffocating feeling, sleep apnea
- Rheumatic pains in neck and back, left shoulder pain extending to right shoulder
- Asthma, hay fever with asthmatic breathing
- Dry, hacking cardiac cough, dryness in larynx not relieved by swallowing
- Headache worse left side, migraines
- Left-sided ovarian cyst
- Swelling of the hands and feet, worse in the morning on waking
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