Genus: Hyoscyamus
Common Name: Henbane. Black Henbane. Stinking Nightshade. Hog’s bean.
Family: Solanaceae (Nightshade)
A poisonous member of the nightshade family, Black Henbane is a toxic plant with psychoactive properties that has been used historically for medicinal purposes since ancient times. Today it is considered a weed in many states, yet it is also grown as an ornamental plant. Native to Eurasia, Hyoscyamus niger is cultivated in India and central Europe for pharmaceutical purposes . Growing up to 3 feet high, the plant has a nauseating odor and large, hairy leaves that are sticky to the touch. Henbane seeds may have been consumed by Vikings who went “berserk” in preparation for batttle. This was due to the effect of Hyoscyamus niger on the nervous system, which produces an altered consciousness, mood, behavior, perception, and cognition.
When prepared as a homeopathic remedy, Hyoscyamus is an important aid for behavior disorders, especially in children with poor impulse control that can exhibit as annoying silliness, temper tantrums, overexcitement, jealousy, and incessant talking. There can be defiance, cursing, and violent outbursts with abusive language. Often there is a type of shamelessness about sexual matters, ribald talk, even exhibitionism. Other symptoms may include suspicion, spasms, and stammering. Homeopathic Hyoscyamus can help correct these symptoms of overstimulation of the mind and nervous system. As will all homeopathic remedies, not every keynote symptom will be present.
- Jealousy, rage, suspicion, envy
- Violent outbursts, temper tantrums
- Loquacity, slandering, mocking, jesting, excessive talkativeness, quarreling
- Cursing, ribald jokes and stories, obscenity, abusive language
- Sensation of being an outsider, constant claiming that other people are favored
- Ailments from disappointed love
- Silly, annoying behavior in children, foolish antics, mischievous pranks, laughing
- Restless fingers, picks at fingers, face, lips, clothes
- Gesticulations, spasms, twitching, seizures, convulsions, epilepsy
- Exhibitionism, masturbation in young children, hypersexuality, lewdness
- Fear of water, dogs, of being alone, of being harmed, or being poisoned
- Chilly and sensitive to cold
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