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Bach Flower Remedies – Centaury

Species: Centaurium umbellatum

Group: Oversensitivity to influences and ideas

Keywords: Anxious to please. Too helpful. Subservient.

“Especially must we be on guard in the giving of help to other people, no matter whom they be, to be certain that the desire to help comes from the dictates of the inner self and is not a false sense of duty imposed by the suggestion or persuasion of a more dominant personality.” ~ Edward Bach

Widespread throughout Europe, parts of western Asia, northern Africa, North America, New Zealand, and eastern Australia, Centaury grows in prairies, grasslands, roadsides, wet meadows, and wasteland. This low growing plant is often walked upon. Clusters of pretty pink five petaled flowers bloom from a single stalk on sunny days from June to early September. On dull, cloudy days, they remain closed.

Dr. Bach described Centaury for “Kind, quiet, gentle people who are over-anxious to serve others. They overtax their strength in their endeavors. Their wish so grows upon them that they become more servants than willing helpers. Their good nature leads them to do more than their own share of work, and in so doing they may neglect their own particular mission in life.” 

Emotional disharmony indicating Beech:

  • Subservient
  • Can’t say “no”
  • Treated as a doormat, easily bullied or exploited
  • Anxious to please
  • Avoids confrontation

Positive character qualities of Beech:

  • Serves willingly and wisely
  • Recognizes own needs
  • Preserves own identity
  • Self-determination to follow own path
  • Inner strength

Daily use of the Bach flowers provides gentle emotional support. Negative attitudes are transformed into positive virtues as the body’s self-curative potential strengthens emotional health and restores inner harmony.

And may we ever have gratitude in hearts that the great Creator in all His glory has placed the herbs in the field for our healing. ~ Edward Bach

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