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Remedies – Mercurius

Common name: Mercury. Quicksilver. Mercurius solubilis. Mercurius vivus.

Chemical formula: Hg

Mercury, named hydrargyrum (Hg) in Roman times is also known as quicksilver. It is a chemical element that is a heavy, silvery, fluid metal that evaporates at room temperature. In the ancient world, mercury was so highly prized that the words ‘mercantile,’ ‘merchant,’ and ‘merchandise’ are derived from it. The planet Mercury is named for this transitional metal. In Greek mythology, Hermes, renamed Mercury by the Romans, was the wily messenger of the gods and the patron of thieves and merchants. Its use as one of the oldest medicines in the world was often disastrous, as its effect varies depending on the individual. Mercury therapy for syphilis and many other illnesses continued for centuries. In 1800s and 1900s, it was used in teething powder, eye drops, skin ointments, and many types of pills. Mercury has been used in dental amalgams since the early 1800s, despite the risk of toxic mercury vapor exposure. Since the 1930s, thiomersal, an organomercury compound, has been used in vaccines. Although thiomersal is an allergen and very toxic, whether through the skin, ingestion, or inhalation, and there is a danger of cumulative effects, the National Academy of Medicine, the FDA, the CDC, the WHO, pharmaceutical companies, and other stakeholders deny any link between vaccines and autism, mental health issues, and other chronic illnesses.

The homeopathic remedy Mercurius is no longer toxic and is useful for many complaints, including painful sore throats, ear infections, mouth ulcers, tooth abscess, and the mumps. Discharges are profuse and have a strong, foul odor. Excess saliva and perspiration are characteristic of this remedy. Night sweats do not bring relief. The person needing Merc sol/viv can be withdrawn and depressed, restless, hurried, and impulsive. They are sensitive to both heat and cold. As a personality type, there can be a chameleon like changeability which reveals little personal identity.


  • Number one remedy for mouth ulcers and abscesses
  • Chickenpox and mumps, when the symptoms fit
  • Otitis media with blood-streaked, smelly discharge
  • Metallic taste in mouth, offensive breath, teeth imprints on tongue
  • Oral and genital thrush
  • Sensitive to heat and cold, chills with sweat
  • Smelly sweat, breath, urine, stool, saliva, nasal discharge
  • Symptoms worse at night and when sweating
  • Blood and pus in discharges

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